Choose the number of entries per page:


Type in the name of the taste receptors (separated by commas) for the agonists of which You want to search (such as: hTAS2R10, hTAS2R14, hTAS2R46) - the output will contain all the compounds active on all the listed receptors:


Type in the name of the taste receptors (separated by commas) for the antagonists/inhibitors of which You want to search (such as: hTAS2R10, hTAS2R14, hTAS2R46) - the output will contain all the compounds that block all the listed receptors:

Negative evidence

Type in the name of the taste receptors (separated by commas) for which there is negative evidence You want to search (such as: hTAS2R10, hTAS2R14, hTAS2R46) - the output will contain all the compounds for which there is ??no evidence of acting on all the listed receptors:

Ambiguous evidence

Type in the name of the taste receptors (separated by commas) for which there is ambiguous evidence You want to search (such as: hTAS2R10, hTAS2R14, hTAS2R46) - the output will contain all the compounds for which there is ambiguous evidence of acting on all the listed receptors:

The list of taste receptors and chemosensors included in PlantMolecularTasteDB

Comments. 1) The initial indicates specia: h- human, f- fish, m- mouse, r- rat, gg- chicken, mg-turkey, tg- zebrafinch, xt-frog. 2) The user should keep in mind while performing a search on taste receptors or chemosensors that in cases of synonims, in general we mantained on each phytochemical entry the term/synonim used in the cited reference.
Bitter taste receptors:

Sour taste receptors: ASIC (hASIC, mASIC, rASIC); mPKD1L3, mPKD2L1 (syn. TRPP2); KIR
Sweet taste receptors:
Umami taste receptors:
Pungency chemosensors and other related transient receptor potential channels (TRPs):
Other chemosensors for gustative active compounds:

© 2020, Marilena Gîlca, Dorin Dragoş, Teodora-Cristiana Grădinaru, Elena-Mădălina Petran. All rights reserved.
PlantMolecularTasteDB version 1.0 | Database updated on 01.09.2021. Site updated on 01.09.2021.